The West End Connection
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370 S Lowe Ave #A246
Cookeville, TN 38501
Organization Details


This is our biggest event ever! We are hosting this reunion for the students of Darwin School, the only school for black students in a 4 county area from 1928-1963. There are still some students left who attended. All black children from Clay, Jackson, Putnam, Overton and White counties attended Darwin. They woke up hours early to be bussed to Cookeville each day, or stayed with relatives. This school taught them basic education, had sports teams and taught them how to withstand and stay strong in the midst of any adversity they met that day. These students enjoyed this school and then one day, it was destroyed by fire. The students hoped it would be rebuilt but instead this helped spark desegregation of school s in Putnam County. We will be honoring them with a night of good food, entertainment, meeting old friends and reliving old times. We MUST make this night special for them.
Program Successes
There is so much buzz going around about this. I have been getting so much support from the community and former students and everyone wish to volunteer in the planning stages.
Black/African American
Economically disadvantaged people
Long-term Success
Once the reunion is over, we will continue to keep Darwin's memory alive, we will then call it the Darwin School Project. We want to keep the name and association with the former school so it's never forgotten about, as most photos were lost in the fire. And one day, anyone who ever laid eyes on the school itself will be gone. We are preserving that history for future generations.
Short-term Success
The remaining students will have a night to remember. There has never been a reunion celebration or any acknowledgment of this school. This will be a first for those that attended. The students will have an aooportunity for closure, acceptance and to see classmates they haven't seen in decades.
Program Success Monitored By
Right now participation in the planning of the reunion has been great. We have a Darwin Committee with me and 6 others. I am the Chairperson and the others are actually non-members of our nonprofit. They are either former students, community members and educators. They heard about this reunion and were so excited they asked to help.
Program Areas Served
cookeville, tn, west end, cookeville tn
This event is a back to school supplies fundraiser and giveaway to community school children. We serve all school aged children from Pre-Kindergarten to High school. We ask the community and city for donations of money and school supplies. We gather them up and store them, take inventory of what we have and still need. We take donations specifically for this event all year long to make sure our supplies are enough for the community. On the day of the bash we provide backpacks, tablet paper, notebook paper, pencils, pens, markers, crayons, colored pencils, folders, composition notebooks, and calculators. We have different substations set up at West End Park Pavilion with staff (and parents) directing the kids through each sub-station to make sure they get all they need. We also provide lunch: grilled burgers, hot dogs, soda, water, and chips. Everyone in attendance is provided with lunch, The whole event last for approximately 3-4 hours.
Program Successes
We receive emails from the parents of the children we served who keep us up to date on what we did not have that the children might require and they also let us know when their supplies of certain items, i.e. notebook paper, pens, folders, are low. We get the supplies needed to these families. The parents provide much needed feedback to us upon request and on their own, mainly via e-mail.
K-12 (5-19 years)
Long-term Success
Prepare students for the year and increase their confidence , knowing they have what they need to succeed. Not having to worry about money and whether or not they will have all they need each year. Ultimately, this will increase school attendance and increase graduation rates for kids in this underserved community.
Short-term Success
Provide financial relief to parents who don't have to spend as much (or any) money on school supplies. They can use this money for other things the family needs.
Program Success Monitored By
We have all in attendance to sign our sign-in sheet and supply their names, addresses, emails and phone numbers. We check up on these families to make sure the children have all they need and enough to last all year. Parents feel free to email us and are grateful for what was provided and also let us know when their child needs additional supplies or some special item that we did not have o the day of the Bash. We work with these families to keep their children well stocked all year.
Program Areas Served
West Cookeville, TN
This is part of our Spring Break program. The week of Spring Break we get our seed we purchased from the co-op the season prior. WE have an experienced instructor whose had several successful years of planting. The instructor and our staff assist the children with preparing the soil, plowing, tilling, and planting. We plant greens, cabbage and squash and cauliflower. The children get to take their vegetables/plants home at the end of break and watch them grow at home. Once school is out for the summer, we meet back up with the instructor and continue planting late -season plants such as corn and beans and potatoes. We provide planters as well.
Program Successes
Residents letting us know how much they have saved by growing their own food.
Economically disadvantaged people
Children and Youth (0 - 19 years)
Long-term Success
Teaching youths and adults in the community to grow their own food, lower food costs and become more self-sufficient. The ultimate goal is a community garden once we are able to get space for it and some donated land. The whole community would be able to enjoy it!
Short-term Success
Provide food for the community and teach people how to grow some of their own food.
Program Success Monitored By
Feedback from the community.
Program Areas Served
West Cookeville TN
This is a program in which we get day-old donated bread from Panera Bread each Monday and distribute it into the West End Community to supplement people's food supply. It's been pretty successful. The bread of course is free but we need staff and their vehicles to distribute it throughout the community. We also purchase plastic gloves and plastic wrap to stay in compliance with covid-19 regulations as well as wearing masks.
Program Successes
The gratitude we are shown each week as more and more families contact us and request bread be delivered to them.
Food, Agriculture & Nutrition  - Food Distribution 
Economically disadvantaged people
Unhoused individuals
Long-term Success
Provide extra nutrition for families by means of bread and bread products.
Short-term Success
Help hungry residents by bringing bread to them.
Program Success Monitored By
The amount of residents who consistently ask for and receive the bread and bread products show us there is a need and this need is being met .
Program Areas Served
West Cookeville, Tennessee
This is held after Thanksgiving but before Christmas. We provide chili, cornbread, and water and soda to the community. This is held at the McClellan Ave Church of Christ dining hall. It's a free event. Residents can either eat their at the church or take it home, we serve in disposable, to-go containers.
Program Successes
Feedback from residents .
Food, Agriculture & Nutrition  - Nutrition 
Black/African American
Economically disadvantaged people
Long-term Success
Assist people who might not have enough for a traditional Christmas dinner with their families . Also, help those who don't want to be alone during the holidays have the chance to fellowship and eat with their neighbors.
Short-term Success
Allows new residents to meet and get to know their community. Provide a hot meal.
Program Success Monitored By
The feedback from residents.
Program Areas Served
West Cookeville, TN.
This is held after Thanksgiving but before Christmas. We provide chili, cornbread, and water and soda to the community. This is held at the McClellan Ave Church of Christ dining hall. It's a free event. Residents can either eat their at the church or take it home, we serve in disposable, to-go containers.
Program Successes
Feedback from residents .
Arts, Culture & Humanities  - Community Celebrations 
Black/African American
Economically disadvantaged people
Long-term Success
Assist people who might not have enough for a traditional Christmas dinner with their families . Also, help those who don't want to be alone during the holidays have the chance to fellowship and eat with their neighbors.
Short-term Success
Allows new residents to meet and get to know their community. Provide a hot meal.
Program Success Monitored By
The feedback from residents.
Program Areas Served
West Cookeville, TN.
This a 2 day event, on Saturdays dedicated to cleaning up the outside porches, yards of community residents who are elderly or otherwise unable to do it themselves. Our staff and volunteers work to make the outside of homes beautiful and clean. Along with our dedicated lawn service, Scotties Lawncare, we assist with mowing, weed-eating, pressure washing, sweeping and blowing residents' yards and porches, patios, etc. WE dedicate 2 Saturdays in June for this. We get a discount on lawn care service and also use staff and volunteers to accomplish this in 2 days. We pay for fuel for the mowers, weed-eaters and blowers.
Program Successes
Elderly homeowners stopping us as we move around the community and thanking us.
Black/African American
Economically disadvantaged people
Elderly and/or Disabled
Long-term Success
Assist with residents who are physically limited to be able to take pride in their homes once again. This increases their ability to keep the outside of their homes looking good.
Short-term Success
Betterment of West End, beautifying the community.
Program Success Monitored By
The pride the homeowners take in their homes and the gratitude shown to organization.
Program Areas Served
West Cookeville TN

CEO/Executive Director/Board Comments

We could always use more volunteers. Sometimes we are short on volunteers, especially during the work week as many of our members have full-time employment. We try to combat this by having more events on weekends and holidays, when most of our group is off work.