Power and Grace Preparatory Academy Inc.
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231 Dunbar Cave Road
Clarksville, TN 37043
Organization Details


Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Mathematics STEAM learning is five disciplines that are used in everyday activities, such as problem solving, and creative and analytical thinking. Many of the jobs that affect our economy include STEAM.subjects. Because of this fact younger students must become aware and exposed to the jobs that are their future. We have researched and used Rozzey STEAM curriculum for Pre-kindergarten students and have found the direction and supporting curriculum to be age appropriate for students ages 3-5 years old. For our older students 1st through 5th grade, Generation X curriculum has been invaluable as we grow and explore STEAM principals. Using these two curriculums we would have the ability to train staff and purchase the necessary supplies to make STEAM come alive! According to the U.S. Department of Commerce, STEAM occupations have grown in the last ten years three times faster than non-STEAM occupations. A $40,000 STEAM Lab is in the works.
Program Successes
Weekly science, math and STEAM State of TN standards testing
End of the year Standardized Testing increase from previous year testing scores
Teacher Training through oline certificate programs/ Clarksville Montgomery County School System STEAM certificate training for educators attained
Student confidence in the educational areas of science, math and STEAM
Science & Technology  - Engineering & Technology 
Black/African American
Children and Youth (0 - 19 years)
Long-term Success
Educational statistics have proven that students that have positive exposure and early learning in subject areas such as science, STEAM and reading find educational success throughout their educational career. Through this educational exposure we will purposely expose at risk students and minority students to imagine themselves as accountants, architects, engineers and medical researches. STEAM is not the wave of the future but rather the way of the future.
Short-term Success
Our short term goals will show an increase in science standardized testing scores (2020-2021) . Students will also see strides in math test scores. We will monitor growth in theses areas through weekly test and analyzing the data for end of the year testing as well.

Program Success Monitored By
The program success will be analyzed at the end of the year data and curriculum debriefing training that is held at the close of each school year at Power and Grace Preparatory Academy. We will also monitor the success and areas of improvement in our academy's School Improvement Plan (SIP) as well as work toward STEM accreditation through AdvancED/Cognia within the next 3 years.
Program Areas Served
Power and Grace Preparatory Academy 231 Dunbar Cave Rd Clarksville, TN 37043