Art Guild at Fairfield Glade
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451 Lakeview Drive
Fairfield Glade, TN 38558
Organization Details


There are two categories of outreach: children and adult. Children's Outreach includes: 1.Annual $1000 scholarship to a graduating high school senior who plans to major in an art-related field in college; 2. Art classes for homeschooled children and Kids on the Rise, which are held monthly at The Plateau Creative Arts Center ( home of the Art Guild at Fairfield Glade); and children's summer arts program, which is a weekly art class for area children offered at no cost. In 2017, 140 school-age children and teens attended ten weeks of art classes at the Art Guild at no cost.The Adult outreach program includes monthly visits to do arts and crafts at participating Assisted Living Facilities and a planned expanded program of art classes at the Senior Center in Crossville. In 2017, over 150 senior citizens attended art classes for the nominal fee of $5.00 per class at the Fair Park Senior Center from March through November.
Program Areas Served
Scholarships are awarded as a gift to high school seniors who wish to continue their education in an art-related field at a college or university. The availability of the scholarship is publicized through local newspapers and the high school art teacher. Home schooled students may also apply. Candidates are recommended to us by the high school art teacher.
Program Areas Served
Art Exhibits in the gallery owned by the Art Guild. Each month a new exhibit of art submitted by members of the Art Guild is displayed in the gallery known as The Plateau Creative Arts Center. These exhibits include paintings of all mediums, photography, three dimensional work, pottery, jewelry, and fabric art. The exhibit is open to the public from 9 AM to 4 PM Monday through Saturday from March 1 through December 23, and 10 AM to 2PM December 24 through February 28. There are three special shows a year, the spring and fall show and the judge and juried show
Program Areas Served
The Programs Committee schedules a variety of art classes each month, so there is something for each type of art throughout the year. These classes are advertised to the public as well as Art Guild members and handle up to 18 participants per session. Classes are offered in watercolor, oil, pastels, acrylic, colored pencil, pen and ink, drawing, beading, jewelry-making, clay and other media. Guest artists from outside our membership and even from outside our region are occasionally hired to offer workshops.
Program Areas Served

CEO/Executive Director/Board Comments

Guild members are typically retired from successful careers and have moved to Fairfield Glade, TN from all over the country. They are enthusiastic and at the point in their lives where they have completed raising their families and have the time now to focus on volunteering and pursuing their hobbies. Many have been artists long before retiring; however, there are also a large number who are 'finding their place' in the art world for the first-time. It is an exciting time in their lives. It is a tradition in the Art Guild that students use their new knowledge and progress to become teachers themselves. The Guild schedules more than 100 classes a year and nearly all are conducted by Guild members. The monthly critique session improves everyone's skills, from the most experienced artist to the novice. Classes are an opportunity also to socialize with long-time friends and make new friends. Visitors come to Fairfield Glade's Wyndham timeshare resort from all of the states and other countries. The Plateau Creative Art Center provides these visitors a venue for creativity and expression during their stay in the area, as well as exposure to the richness and depth of the culture of East Tennessee. We are the only facility in Cumberland County, TN exclusively devoted to fine visual arts. It is difficult to quantitatively evaluate the impact of public art on a community and its visitors; yet, our experience is that our programs help engender a sense of identity, quality, and meaning in people. Residents and visitors have come to identify art with this place and think of it as a unique symbol of the spirit of the community. Visitors often are pleasantly surprised at the quality of art they find here. Realtors promoting the community to prospective new home owners bring their clients to our Center! Fairfield Glade is a residential, retirement and resort community open to all ages. Last year 19,000 one-week visitors came here, many of whom return to live permanently in Tennessee. The Art Guild maintains an ad in the Wyndham timeshare unit directory and a display board of information in their check-in lobby. We are a very active organization in the community, with effects beyond the boundaries of Cumberland County, the third largest county in the state. The Crossville Chronicle stated, 'Established in 1978, the Art Guild at Fairfield Glade is one of the most influential groups of its kind in East Tennessee.' It took almost 30 years for the Art Guild to have its own home and a visible place of cultural enrichment. Our greatest challenge is maintaining this asset.